The Basilica of Guadalupe (Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe,Catholic church) built on top of Tepeyac hill, north of Mexico City. Also known as La Villa de Guadalupe or more common as, La Villa.
Architectural Features:
- Circular floorplan allows views of the Virgin from any spot inside the building
- The central column is 42 meters high
- The image of the virgin hangs above the main altar with moving walkways below transporting visitors back and forth under the image

New Basílica, designed by Pedro Ramírez Vazquez
The present church was constructed on the site of an earlier 16th-century church that was finished in 1709, the Old Basilica. When this basilica became dangerous due to the sinking of its foundations, a modern structure called the New Basilica was built next to it; the original image of the Virgin of Guadalupe is now housed in this New Basilica.

Behind the old basilica there is a museum of religious art, and near there you will also find steps leading to the Capilla del Cerrito, the "hill chapel," which was built on the spot where the virgin appeared to Juan Diego, at the top of the hill.

This carillon(钟琴) was designed by Pedro Ramírez Vázquez and completed in 1991. On the right side there's a sun dial, on the left an Aztec clock. The face of the tower has images representing the four apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego. The bell tower is 75 feet tall, and can play 23 different melodies.

1.- Capilla del Cerrito 2.- Conjunto escultórico "La Ofrenda" 3.- Capilla del Pocito 4.- Bautisterio 5.- Ex Convento de Capuchinas 6.- Parroquia de Indios 7.- Templo Expiatorio a Cristo Rey (Antigua Basílica) 8.- Parroquia de Capuchinas 9.- Nueva Basílica de Guadalupe. 10.- Carrillón (Campanario) 11.- Museo
El Museo de la Basílica de Guadalupe
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